Monday, November 30, 2009

2012 Will it happen?

Everyone is talking about 2012. Will it happen? Many people just take it as a movie. However, the movie come at the right time (maybe too late) to inform everyone that someday this may happen to the earth if we choose to ignore all the recent signals given to us. But, how soon? nobody knows and hopefully, it will not be 2012.

Have you give it thought on how you can help to prevent this catastrophe from happening? I guess no one can. How about delaying this catastrophe? Yes we can. What should we do? Let’s think it over from now on. No more delay!

We do our part! We welcome everyone on the street to come forward to participate our society and environmental friendly barter trade activities where you can help to promote the right approach to recycle by bringing your unwanted items to share them with people who need them more than you. By doing that you may also find something you in need of by paying a minimal exchange fee. For more information, please call 03-80708531/017-3370361.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Bring your recycle items to trade for happier christmas

This coming christmas, we welcome everyone to bring your recycle items to exchange for christmas tree accessories to decorate your lovely chritmas tree. You only need as low as 10RP (Recycle Point)  to exchange for one lovely christmas accessory. Yoy will enjoy great savings while you contribute your effort in recycling activities. For more information, please call 03-80708531.